Inspiration has many sources; its spectrum is broad, diverse, and personal. In every work, there is a world to discover and celebrate - a kind of visual poetry, perhaps a pathway into a reflective space.

From pure non-representational art to various levels of representation, some works are clearly inspired by a specific place, while others are inspired by "somewhere." Some works may refer to a moment or an impression - a distillation of thoughts, emotions, and memories. In this process, light and the phenomena and laws it entails play a crucial role in creating a familiar starting point or seemingly familiar systematicity within the image.

The viewer is encouraged to participate, to make the space and associations their own, and to let the works resonate with their subconscious.

The process of painting unfolds as a continuous cycle of decision-making and self-discipline, constantly exploring and discarding thoughts. Nevertheless, the aim is always to imbue each work with emotional content and to empathize with the viewer's humanity. Thus, the work becomes an expression of the inherent duality and fragility of life.

Rags are just as essential tools as brushes and spatulas. Removing or withholding something often proves more important than adding new elements. This process appears to be endless until a moment arrives when balance is achieved.

In this way, the works become more than just paintings - they become complete and individual objects that are not solely defined by the canvas grain and the application of paint. They are permeated with tensions in which familiar references and relationships are brought together anew and clarified.

This interplay of the familiar and the unknown, of naturalness and synthesis, renders the works organic and yet foreign as a whole.

Each individual work represents a fragment of an ongoing artistic process and is therefore not final or standalone.

Born in 1998 in Heidelberg, Maximilian Welz has been studying Fine Arts at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart since 2018, under the guidance of Cordula Güdemann and Rolf Bier, among others.



2024    14. salondergegenwart, Hamburg (ausstehend)

                4.  Südwestdeutsch Kunstpreis - Kreissparkasse Esslingen-Nürtingen, Esslingen (ausstehend)

                OK BYE - Diplomausstellung Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart 

                Samsara oder im konstanten Werden - Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart *

                micro-macro - Böblinger Kunstverein, Böblingen

2023     Beyond - Galerie Thomas Fuchs, Stuttgart *​

                PARALLEL Vienna - Galerie Kunst ab Hinterhof, Wien​

                Shifts in Nature - Galerie Kellermann, Düsseldorf​

                Deus ex machina - Gewerkschaftshaus, Stuttgart​

                PARALLEL EDITIONS 2023 - Galerie Kunst ab Hinterhof, Wien​

2022     Moment - Duoausstellung mit Stefan Beyer im Projektraum AKKU, Stuttgart​

                PopUp-Galerie 2022 Dillmann - Galerie Strzelski, Stuttgart​

                Nach der Zeit - Einzelausstellung Galerie Fingur, Tübingen *​

                holy mountain kollektiv Container Haus am Wehrsteg, Heidelberg​

                LOOTBOX - Kultur Am Kelterberg Vaihingen e.V., Stuttgart​

                Süsse Stückchen - Kunstverein Böblingen, Böblingen​

2021      OPAK - Galerie Kunst ab Hinterhof, Wien​

                Art Austria - Galerie Kunst ab Hinterhof, Wien​

                Blühende Landschaften - Zeroarts-stuttgart, Stuttgart *​

                ABLEGER - Chloroplast e.V. Stuttgart, Stuttgart

Stipendien | Preise

2023 GOPEA Förderjahrgang 2023 - 24
2021 holy mountain kollektiv Monatsstipendium barac, Mannheim

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